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La chambre du général

( The General's Room )

Bachelor Project ( 2021 )

StoryBoard Lead 


StoryBoard sequence from our bachelor project I storyboarded in collaboration with Axel Lawrence Nyagard and Georges Marion. 

Hugo, pushed by curiosity, enters for the first time in his grand-father's room, even if it is strictly forbidden. 

Sweet Dreams

Video clip project ( 2019 )

Storyboard Artist


Animatic for a clip video on the song Sweet Dreams-Eurythmics

Collaboration project with Alexandra Roll.

Responsible for all camera movements and fighting scenes. 

In a post apocalyptic world ruled by a powerful sect, normal citizens are captured and forced to fight each other to death.

Single-Use Friend

NGO Project ( 2019 )



Animatic of our NGO project.

Responsible for storyboarding and editing.


In a world where everything is disposable and single use, what happen when two best friends go on a journey together?

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